Wallasey Animal Rescue Centre Garden

When we were approached by the Wallasey animal rescue centre to help them transform a long and overgrown garden area we were delighted to be able to help.

They wanted to create an economic and attractive garden area that can be used by families when viewing the cats being rehoused.

Recycled rubber chippings

The issue that the rescue centre faced was making a usable space that was colourful and attractive, whilst also being able to be used all year round. Our recycled rubber chippings really were an ideal solution to the problem!

Our recycled rubber landscape chippings come in a handy 500 kg bulk bag and in a range of 7 different colours.

Wallasey animal rescue centre chose our chippings after an online search for a suitable long lasting ground cover solution and we were able to supply them with our terracotta and emerald green chippings.

Ideal play and recreation surface

The beauty of using the rubber chippings as a ground mulch is that it will not rot, decompose, fade or blow away. It is a safe product for children to play on too and comes with critical fall height certification for play areas.

Here at Safer Surfacing we were delighted to sponsor the local RSPCA Inspector on his epic trip across the Sahara desert -and part of the money he raised was used by Wallasey on their garden project!

Products used in this project

Shop the products used in this project below.